Friday, 15 May 2015

OpenGL : Making Spirals

What is a spiral ? 
A curve on a plane that winds around a fixed center point at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance from the point.

two-dimensional spiral may be described most easily using polar coordinates, where the radius r is a monotonic continuous function of angle θ. The circle would be regarded as a degenerate case (the function not being strictly monotonic, but rather constant).
Some of the more important sorts of two-dimensional spirals include:

How to draw it using OpenGL?
Prerequisites : Running a basic OpenGL code.
Making spiral in OpenGL is quite simple because we have the mathematical equations for both the x and y coordinates of the Spiral.
In this example we will go with the logarithmic and the archimedean spiral.

Snapshot of completed code :

Coordinates for logarithmic spiral 

Code-Snippet in C++ (OpenGL) 
Here a and b are the constants of the equation. You can call the function inside you display in you OpenGL code. Download the complete code from this link.

void DrawSpiral(double a,double b)
 double x, y;
 theta = 0;
 x = a*pow(2.718281,(double)b*theta)*cos(theta);
 y = a*pow(2.718281,(double)b*theta)*sin(theta);
 for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
  theta = 0.025*i;
  glVertex2f((GLfloat)x, (GLfloat)y);
  glVertex2f(a*pow(2.718281, (double)b*theta)*cos(theta), a*pow(2.718281, (double)b*theta)*sin(theta));
  //glColor3f(r, g, b);
  x = a*pow(2.718281, (double)b*theta)*cos(theta);
  y = a*pow(2.718281, (double)b*theta)*sin(theta);

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